Sunday, November 16, 2008

9 Months...I made it!

Well, here is the final of my monthly pregnancy pictures. I wasn't sure if I would make it but I guess our baby wanted me to have a nine-month picture to add to the memory box! I am posting this six days before my due date and feeling great. I thought for sure that I would be a mom by now (I would like to thank all the people that told me I would definitely have the baby early. I appreciate you getting my hopes up!) but apparently having a small frame doesn't determine how long you carry a baby for! While waiting for the baby, I have been able to get a lot of things done around the house. I cleaned out my recipe box, filled in Diamond's Dog Record Book (I figured that would be pushed far aside once we have a baby book to complete!), and Bryan and I have done some decorating around the house that we could have done for the past year but decided that doing it days before our baby comes was a more opportune time (is that considered "nesting"?). I am looking forward to meeting this baby that I have carried for the last 39 weeks. I am most excited to see what he/she looks like (I'm hoping for curly blonde hair and hazel eyes!).

Hopefully it's not too much longer until we meet this child (that I have taken to calling "Squirmy", due to the fact that he/she is always moving around in my belly!). We are praying for a safe, natural delivery with no complications. Now all we can do is wait...

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Fun with Ribbon

I started my Maternity Leave on November 1st and to keep busy I've been working on some projects to finish the nursery. I was planning on breaking out the sewing machine and making curtains, but after a trip to Joann Fabrics, I decided that without my mom here to guide me along, that task seemed near impossible. The trip wasn't wasted, though; I found some different ribbon that matches the bedding set that is in the baby's room, and I decided to decorate the lamp shade that my friend, Annie, gave me. After successfully completing that assignment, I decided to use the ribbon to decorate a basket that we have stocked with diaper-changing neccessities. I still have a few ideas of ways to complete the nursery but need a few more supplies. I will post more pics once I'm done - unless the baby is here and then I may be a little too busy!

Oh, and the pie was something I made after I ran out of things to sew ribbon to!