Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Viva Las Vegas!

This year we went to Vegas for Memorial Day weekend. My brother plays in a baseball tournament every year and it's given my family an excuse to fly out for the weekend. Last time I went was in 2005 and that trip consisted of my sister's luggage getting lost until the last day and my 80-year old Grandmother being serenaded at the karaoke bar. This year Bryan and I decided to fly out and meet my parents, his mom, his sister and his brother-in-law. The weather was cooler than normal and rained a bit but it was perfect for walking around, which we did LOTS of! I didn't mind so much, though, since it burned all the calories I ate! We had a lot of fun playing the slots (I'll stick to the penny machines!) and spending time with our families.

Bryan and I at the Wee Kirk Chapel where Leslie and Josh renewed their vows.

Who needs taxis? We thought squeezing in the car would be fun. Whose idea was that?!

The family minus one...since we live all over the country we can never seem to ALL get together at the same time!

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Three Months....

Okay, this is NOT my favorite picture but since I'll only be three months pregnant once, I had to post it. My belly looks a little bit bigger and my hair is shorter (which had nothing to do with being pregnant. That was me thinking cutting my hair would stop the frizziness I've been dealing with on the humid days we've had here in Maryland.) but other than that, I think I've pretty much stayed the same. I haven't been sick once, which is great! I hope I don't start getting morning sickness in the coming months. I'm thankful every day that goes by for the miracle Bryan and I are blessed with.

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Two Months Along...

This is the first of my belly progression pictures. This was taken April 13th, when I was about 8 weeks along. I was still at my normal weight and not showing any signs of pregnancy. I will be taking picture #2 in a few days. I don't think it'll look much different but we'll see! I might leave the Crocs off, though. They don't go well with the rest of the outfit! ;)

Sunday, May 4, 2008

What is it??

For those new moms out there, or anyone that's given birth or has known someone that has given birth in the last 20 years, you should be able to guess what this picture is of. It's not as easy as I make it sound, though. When asking my mom's girlfriends, only one of them got it right. My favorite answer was "a cave". Depending on how you look at it, that could be right...

Any guesses???

If you have no clue, maybe this will help you...

Yes, folks, that really light horizontal line does in fact make a plus sign, which according to this home pregnancy test, means I am pregnant. I wasn't convinced so I went to my doctor and she confirmed the results. This test was taken about 5 weeks ago, so as of today, I'm 11 weeks. Bryan and I couldn't be happier! Nothing like taking care of everything right away! This is a busy year for us!