Sunday, July 13, 2008

Five Months...halfway there!

Here I am at 21 weeks (disclaimer: I didn't do my hair and I don't have any make-up on). This is definitely the biggest month-to-month change so far! I went to the doctor on July 2nd and weighed in at 115lbs. That's 10 lbs more than my first visit back in April so I'm pretty much right on track. I've been cooking and baking a lot lately (i.e. today I made zucchini bread, cookie dough, and spaghetti sauce!), so hopefully my weight doesn't jump too much before my next appointment!

And introducing.....

Here is our baby! We got this sonogram on July 3rd and it was so exciting to see how much our baby has grown since the first sonogram. The technician couldn't confirm boy or girl parts so we're still not sure what we're having. Bryan is still convinced that it's a girl. My doctor said I won't get another sonogram unless there's a reason, so we may have to wait until November to find out. The technician did show us the stomach, kidneys, and lungs, which was really cool to see. We could see the legs and arms (see the hand waving to you?) and the baby was dancing all around. The whole experience was awesome and everyday we're more and more excited to meet our baby.

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